by Rafe Mair
If there was ever the slightest doubt in the faraway recesses of my mind that Kinder Morgan must be stopped, it was dispelled by the June 4 editorial in the TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL which applied bullshit to the bread and called it peanut butter. All the usual ersatz Central Canadian definitions of nationhood are trotted out. One of those definitions you would think would be preserving BC’s rivers, harbours, seas, islands and channels not to mention the several breeds of whale including the truly iconic killer whale, seals, sea lions, porpoise, dolphins and most surely the 7 species of Pacific Salmon upon which so many of our First Nations depend for food and livelihood. Apparently when sacred sites are added up, pristine environments don’t matter. What does matter is that those who own, finance and tax the world’s most noxious chemical, deadly poisonous in the Ocean and Atmosphere, condemned by every world leader but Donald Trump and Trudeau, minor, and by the latter when he was using his Paris platform to primp his pretty image before getting his orders from the oil industry, can ship endless tankers of bitumen, the spills from which cannot be cleaned up, through the highly vulnerable waters of BC, to be thrown into the atmosphere where they can join LNG from Squamish in further damaging the world’s climate and impairing people’s health. Don’t forget, in fairness, that the safety of this murderous gunk has been subjected to “rigorous” testing by that paragon of fairness, independence, scientific acumen and political independence, the National Energy Board, one of Trudeau, minor’s, favourite whipping boys in the 2015 election.
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